Police investigate

Mad animal abuser shot down tomcat “Pecco”

09.05.2024 07:00

A mad animal abuser is currently up to mischief in Stainz. Recently, tomcat "Pecco" was shot twice, luckily he survived the incident. His mistress also witnessed a gunshot attack on a bird from her terrace. The police are investigating.

The shock is huge in Ettendorf, a cadastral municipality in Stainz in western Styria. A trigger-happy animal hater is currently up to mischief there. Cat "Pecco" recently experienced this first-hand, as his wife Andrea St. told the "Krone" newspaper: "My husband noticed two dipples while petting him. We thought that he had gotten pitch in his fur again and was stuck. But when I wanted to give him some flea remedy, I noticed something sharp. I thought it was a rose thorn. But when I removed it, I saw a metal spike." She quickly packed up the velvet paw and took it to the vet. When he told the Styrian that "Pecco" had been shot twice, she was completely flabbergasted. What's more, the vet discovered that the projectiles were obviously sharpened, Ms. St. was shocked.

The vet removed this projectile from "Pecco's" body (Bild: Andrea St.)
The vet removed this projectile from "Pecco's" body

"Pecco" was then operated on and the young cat is now doing well again. But the worry and uncertainty remain: "Every time I let him out, I get a stomach ache. Who on earth does that?"

Bird also shot
It is clear to her that not everything is right in her area. Around the time the cat was shot, the Styrian noticed something disturbing: "I was sitting on the terrace, heard a shot and then saw a bird fall into the orchard." On the advice of the vet, she set off in search of the bird. It was possible that a projectile could have been recovered there. "Unfortunately, I never found the bird," says the worried woman. She has filed a complaint with the police, and press spokesman Heimo Kohlbacher confirmed an investigation on suspicion of cruelty to animals.

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Now that the projectiles are available, it should only be a matter of time before the associated weapon is found and the animal abuser identified.

Strafrechtler Gerald Ruhri

Renowned criminal lawyer and animal rights activist Gerald Ruhri is also shocked by the case: "Unfortunately, hobby poachers hunt birds and small animals time and time again. Such perpetrators must be systematically investigated and psychiatrically examined. Not only do they cause suffering to animals, but they are also potential violent criminals." However, he is confident that the police will be able to track down the wanted person: "Now that the projectiles are available, it should only be a matter of time before the associated weapon is found and the animal abuser identified."

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