Craftsman bonus 2024

The subsidy brings relief for Burgenland residents

13.05.2024 00:01

Private households that can afford necessary repair work and renovation measures with the bonus will be supported with the funding.

Relieving the burden on the population
The craftsmen's bonus has already proven to be a successful initiative to promote the economy in the past, which is why the measure has been implemented again. In this time of inflation crisis, which is having a massive impact on the population, Burgenland is focusing on providing financial relief to the people of Burgenland. Because in this phase of high inflation and interest rate crisis, the people of Burgenland should be given financial relief.

(Bild: 123rf)

The 2024 craftsman bonus applies to craftsman services and thermal renovations carried out by companies based in Burgenland in the period from April 1 to December 31, 2024. The bonus can be applied for by January 10, 2025 at the latest. A total of five million euros in funding will be provided by the state government. A maximum of 25 percent of the work is subsidized - with a maximum of 7,000 euros in total. In the case of thermal renovations, a maximum of 25 percent of material costs can also be subsidized, with a cap of 10,000 euros.

(Bild: 123rf)

The craftsmen's bonus can be applied for by the owner of the residential property as well as by persons close to them who live in the subsidized property. Further information on the eligibility requirements and how to apply can be found onlineat, where a corresponding application form is also available for download.

(Bild: 123rf)

Focus on climate and care
The special funding campaign also focuses on setting effective and sustainable priorities in the interests of energy efficiency and climate and environmental protection. The aim is to save energy and other important resources in the area of residential construction. A further focus is on adapting homes and owner-occupied apartments for the elderly and disabled. The desire to grow old within one's own four walls becomes possible. The craftsmen's bonus is being used to advance the state's goals, which are anchored in the climate strategy and the care plan for the future.

(Bild: 123rf)

Good for the job market
In addition, private investment in construction and renovation measures is being given an additional boost. This efficient measure by the state of Burgenland is intended to stimulate the employment market in the trades, construction and retail sectors in Burgenland. In this way, thousands of jobs will be secured. The negative effects of the economic downturn are being counteracted in a targeted manner.

(Bild: 123rf)

Craft trades and the construction industry revive
The 2024 craft trades bonus will provide targeted support for local craft trades businesses in difficult times and boost regional value creation. According to economic forecasts, the recession in the construction and ancillary building trades will worsen in 2024, as residential construction will have to cope with the high construction and financing costs. The first effects of the decline in orders have already been felt in recent months. The craftsmen's bonus is an instrument designed to cushion this decline in orders and provide a revival and new impetus in the main and ancillary construction trades during the economic downturn. It is very important for state policy that this measure stimulates the labor market in the trades and construction industry.

How to secure the craftsman bonus

How much is the subsidy?
For tradesmen's services: 25% of the pure labor costs excluding VAT (including travel, planning and consulting costs), up to a maximum of EUR 7,000 For the implementation of measures to demonstrably increase energy efficiency or reduce energy consumption: 25% of the costs for labor and materials up to a maximum of EUR 10,000. Labor costs must amount to at least 400 euros per final invoice excluding VAT. 75% of the costs for energy efficiency checks and energy performance certificates, up to a maximum of 400 euros each Funding amounts of less than 100 euros are not granted.

Who can apply for a subsidy?
The craftsmen's bonus can be applied for by the owner of the residential property as well as persons close to them and living in the subsidized property. Applications for funding can be submitted to the Office of the Burgenland Provincial Government (main department for housing subsidies) from April 1, 2024 until January 10, 2025 at the latest.

How do I submit an application?
Applications for funding must be submitted together with all the necessary documents using the online form or sent to the Office of the Burgenland Provincial Government, Department 9, Housing Promotion Division, Europaplatz 1, 7000 Eisenstadt.

The application form and further information on the craftsmen's bonus can be found online at or

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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