Stationary and online

Feel, see, try out

13.05.2024 14:30

With the opening of Mömax, XXXLutz Group inaugurates its new location in Linz on Wednesday, May 15. The total investment of 60 million euros is a commitment by the Wels-based company to brick-and-mortar retail. At the same time, the company is also pushing ahead with the "Möbelhaus am Sofa".

Furniture retail giant XXXLutz built the new location in Linz within 20 months. The new Mömax furniture store opens on Wednesday right next to the railroad bridge and the home ground of soccer club Blau-Weiß Linz, followed by XXXLutz next week. The cost of the complex, which also includes a warehouse, underground parking garage and offices: 60 million euros.

People often shop online, but the actual purchase decision is then made in the store. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
People often shop online, but the actual purchase decision is then made in the store.

Investments in stores are the order of the day for the company, which operates from Wels and is one of the three largest furniture retailers in the world. "However, we also believe in online retail," says spokesperson Thomas Saliger, "but furniture is an object that you want to feel, see and, ideally, try out. To do this, you need a certain amount of exhibition space."

27,100 employees

work for the XXXLutz Group across Europe. The company is headquartered in Wels and operates over 370 furniture stores.

The company began selling furniture professionally online around ten years ago, explains Saliger: "Many bricks-and-mortar retailers simply didn't want to accept online retail and denied it. It was different for us. We went full steam ahead and invested heavily."

The XXXLutz spokesperson emphasizes: "What we are building is not a store, but a furniture store by the sofa. The purchase preparation takes place online. Many people even come to our stores with printouts."

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