Viennese before change

Honsak: “I’ll never forget Bayern and Freiburg”

11.05.2024 15:00

Mathias Honsak will start playing for Heidenheim next season. The Viennese will officially say goodbye to Darmstadt in their last home game on Sunday. The 27-year-old wants to become more dangerous up front and has his sights set on making his debut for Austria's senior team.

"I met with coach Frank Schmidt, we had very good talks and he told me that I would fit in very well with their playing philosophy on the wing. I always sleep on it for a night before making decisions, but I didn't have to think about it for long," Mathias Honsak winks. He will be attacking for Heidenheim from next season, has signed a contract until 2027 and can therefore continue to compete with the best teams in the Bundesliga.

The Viennese signed a contract until 2027. (Bild: ZVG)
The Viennese signed a contract until 2027.

Honsak, who joins on a free transfer from Darmstadt, played five years for the "Lilies", who have already been relegated, and celebrated promotion to the German top flight last year. On Sunday, the 27-year-old will be sent off in the last home game of the season against Hoffenheim, with another highlight awaiting in the final round with the away game against Dortmund. "I'm an emotional person, but I only cry very rarely. I'll be surprised if the tears come. Of course, I want to give our fans another win as a farewell present."

The 27-year-old played for the "Lilies" for five years. (Bild: ZVG)
The 27-year-old played for the "Lilies" for five years.

In his first Bundesliga season, Honsak (so far) remembers two events in particular. "I'll never forget my first goal at Freiburg and the assist against Bayern! It was an extremely instructive year for me, against the top five teams you can see how much room for improvement I still have. That drives me on, but I certainly need to improve my scoring." Mathias wants to fulfill another dream by being called up and making his debut for Austria's senior team via Heidenheim. "That would be amazing and a huge honor for me. I work incredibly hard for it every day. Heidenheim is playing a great season and offers me an ideal platform."

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