Mystery about the cause

Observation tower suddenly collapsed and caught fire

11.05.2024 15:00

The Fronbergwarte in Schardenberg (Upper Austria) was built in 1886 in wood 30 meters high and replaced in 1931 by a 32 meter high brick building. It has been closed for safety reasons since 2016. On Friday evening, the eight-storey structure suddenly collapsed. Fortunately, no one was injured.

It could have ended badly. In Schardenberg, the fire department was called out at around 7.15 p.m. on Friday to rescue people after a building collapsed. The eight-storey lookout tower on the Fronberg - which has been closed for years - had collapsed.

Fortunately, incident commander Sebastian Mackinger from the Schardenberg fire brigade was informed on arrival that it was almost certain that there were no more people under the rubble.

A police dog searched for the cause of the collapse. (Bild: Scharinger Daniel)
A police dog searched for the cause of the collapse.

Fire broke out
Because a fire had also broken out in the old building, the 43 emergency services immediately began fighting the fire. Clouds of smoke kept billowing up from the pile of rubble, so an excavator was also brought in to help.

This enabled heavy debris to be pushed aside, making it easier to extinguish the embers. The two fire departments from Schardenberg and Wernstein am Inn were in action until 11 p.m. on Friday, and work on the rubble cone continued on Saturday.

Fortunately, no people were buried under the rubble (Bild: Pressefoto Scharinger © Daniel Scharinger)
Fortunately, no people were buried under the rubble

What caused the fire and the collapse - or vice versa - is still under investigation. The scene of the accident was also searched with a police dog.

New construction planned
Tower owner Hans W. from Passau only found out about the accident on Saturday morning: "The mayor informed me. I'm extremely glad that no one was buried in the collapse." But after the initial shock, W. already has plans again: "I want to rebuild the control room true to the original."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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