Fun turned serious

Spontaneous wedding vows at a moped meeting in Lavanttal

12.05.2024 10:01

An unusual wedding was celebrated on Friday in St. Paul im Lavanttal. After Judith Schneeweis from Lower Austria proposed to Matthias, they were spontaneously married just a short time later. The wedding party was organized by friends within a few hours.

A trip by moped friends from Lower Carinthia and Lower Austria took a surprising turn. The fans of nostalgic two-wheelers had taken a trip to the Lavanttal valley on Friday. During the tour of St. Paul Abbey, Mayor Stefan Salzmann mentioned in passing that their guide, Kerstin Maier, is also a registrar, where you can get married at any time.

"We didn't actually want to get married until August," says Judith Schneeweis. But the Lower Austrian asked Matthias Rumpler, the man of her heart, to marry her right away in Lavanttal. Then things got hectic, because even with jeans and sneakers, a hair ornament for the bride is a must at the wedding.

Homemade bridal jewelry

"The people in the flower store in St. Paul looked at me when I tied my own bridal jewelry with white ribbons, hydrangeas and white roses. But learning is learning," says the 32-year-old. The rest was done by her friends from the Puchclub Landschach in Lower Austria.

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Neither I nor my colleagues have ever had such a spontaneous wedding. It was totally touching.

Standesbeamtin Kerstin Maier

Secret wedding party organized
After 30 minutes of preparation, they said yes in front of the historic town hall and the vintage cars - built between 1950 and 1980 - as a backdrop. And this despite the fact that the two Lower Austrians had no necessary papers with them. "There is the central register of civil status. All the data is recorded there. Every registry office can access it," explains registrar Kerstin Maier, who only needed photo ID from the bride and groom.

"We were all totally touched, we actually thought it was just a joke," says classic car fan Andreas Kutej, the municipal council member who organized the Gösselsdorf moped meeting, which always starts at the Wallerwirt.

And of course the people of Gösselsdorf did not miss the opportunity to organize the wedding celebration for their Lower Austrian friends from the "Puch Partie Landschach" club. Secretly, of course. Kutej: "From the music to the wedding cake, everything was there that a real wedding needs. When we came back from our trip, we celebrated." Mayor Stefan Salzmann donated sparkling wine for the wedding celebration and covered the costs of the wedding.

The happy bride and groom with guide and registrar Kerstin Maier, who married the couple. "It was totally touching, I've never experienced anything like it." (Bild: zVg)
The happy bride and groom with guide and registrar Kerstin Maier, who married the couple. "It was totally touching, I've never experienced anything like it."
The two have known each other since childhood and have been together for a year and a half. (Bild: zVg)
The two have known each other since childhood and have been together for a year and a half.
They got married spontaneously during a ride at the Gösselsdorf moped meeting in Lavanttal. (Bild: zVg)
They got married spontaneously during a ride at the Gösselsdorf moped meeting in Lavanttal.
The newlyweds from Lower Austria left behind a castle in Carinthia. (Bild: zVg)
The newlyweds from Lower Austria left behind a castle in Carinthia.

Gamslader dancing like at home
They celebrated at the Landgasthaus Wallerwirt in Gösselsdorf until the early hours of the morning. Bride Judith enthuses: "Of course we also incorporated our customs, such as the Gamsladertanzen." The very young couple were over the moon yesterday as they enjoyed a day out on Lake Klopein with their friends.

The "Krone" also wishes the newlyweds all the happiness in the world!

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read the original article here.

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