A day of honor for moms

Historical memories of Mother’s Day

12.05.2024 15:00

There was an inspiring round of talks during a recent visit by Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner on the occasion of Mother's Day.

It was 1924 when Mother's Day was first celebrated in Austria. Josefa Dormeyer and Emelie Sommer have experienced all of these "days of honor" since then - they are 100 and 102 years old respectively. Two very special women to whom Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner paid a visit at the Melk care center.

"Impressive women"
Both mothers, one a teacher and the other a farmer, talked about their lives, which were not always easy, often arduous and, above all, hard-working and associated with great challenges. But both accepted these challenges and built up this country, with a lot of courage, but without complaining. "I was incredibly impressed by both of them. They have achieved great things in their lives," Mikl-Leitner said of the senior citizens, who were not at all at a loss for words.

The Governor concluded: "Taking care of the children was and is the focus of every mother. Mother's Day should be an occasion to thank them from the bottom of our hearts."

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