"Badass mom"

Boyfriend shares mega-hot nude photo of Halle Berry

13.05.2024 17:00

For Mother's Day, Van Hunt didn't give his partner Halle Berry flowers or cake, but a mega-hot photo. The musician published a nude photo of his sweetheart on Instagram.

In the photo, Halle Berry can be seen stark naked on the balcony. With her back - and curvy backside - leaning against the railing, the actress turns towards the photographer with a lascivious look.

Splinter-naked Berry for Mother's Day
I wonder if Van Hunt took the picture himself? Who knows! However, the message that the musician published to accompany the sexy snapshot was just as intriguing as the photo itself.

The three lines were peppered with cheeky allusions to the 57-year-old's exposed backside.

"I wish you a happy Mother's Day with all my heart", Van Hunt began - and used the term "bottom", which is also casually used in English for butt.

"Badass mom"
And went on to write: "Oh damn, I wasn't allowed to post this", before continuing: "But ... you have to admit that this is a badass mom!" - and turned the English "but" into an ambiguous "butt".

Pretty cheeky what Halle Berry's lover got away with. But Berry herself took it with humor and responded with a GIF of two gorillas on a swing - an allusion to a line from Van Hunt's song.

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read the original article here.

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