We are giving away tickets

Four days of partying at the Donauinsel Open Air

14.05.2024 11:00

Pop, 80s and 90s fans, listen up - the Donauinsel Open Air is back from May 23 to 26. The second year of the event promises even more artists, entertainment and fun. The "Krone" is giving away tickets.

David Hasselhoff will be headlining the 80s festival on Sunday at 9.15 pm, but the Weather Girls, Kim Wilde and Münchner Freiheit will also be singing their greatest hits.

Headliner on Sunday: David Hasselhoff (Bild: AFP)
Headliner on Sunday: David Hasselhoff

The open-air event kicks off on Thursday with Electronic Island at 4 pm. Among others, Robin Schulz, Jax Jones and Topic will be spinning the turntables.

Robin Schulz plays at Electronic Island. (Bild: APA/FLORIAN WIESER)
Robin Schulz plays at Electronic Island.

Ballermann on the Danube Island
Mallorca feeling is on the program on Friday from 3 pm at Ballermann Island - with Mickie Krause, the Atzen, Mia Julia, Almklausi and many more. In addition to the show and party, other surprises await for eight hours.

90s are back
It's back to neon glasses, tattoo chains and platform shoes at the 90s festival on Saturday. There will be plenty of partying to "Herz an Herz" by Blümchen, Culture Beats' "Mr. Vain" and "What is love" by Haddaway.

Blümchen performs on Saturday. (Bild: Wallocha, Stephan / Action Press / picturedesk.com)
Blümchen performs on Saturday.

Small Prater on the grounds
On the 30,000 square meter festival site, there is also an amusement park, competitions, a dedicated chill-out area, over 100 meters of pure drinks bar space and numerous food trucks.

The "Krone" is giving away 2 x 2 tickets for each festival day. Admission is at 2 pm each weekend. It pays to come early, because the beer tapping with the new Ottakringer Lager takes place at 2.15 pm. Tickets are available from 65 euros.

The competition is over, thank you for your numerous entries!

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