"Change" from mid-30s
When the menopause occurs in young women
On average, women go through the menopause from the age of 45, which means a hormonal change at the end of their fertile phase. For some women, however, the ovaries stop functioning much earlier, sometimes even as early as their mid-30s. Krone+ talks to an expert to find out what this means for affected women.
Menopause at 36! British-Australian actress Naomi Watts was reportedly hit with this shock news around 18 years ago. The now 54-year-old had to go through this phase over ten years earlier than the average woman. "I felt like I was spiraling out of control," confessed the Hollywood star. Like her, around two to three percent of women whose ovaries stop working before the age of 40, and in extreme cases even earlier. Prim. Prof. Dr. Peter Frigo, Head of the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Mistelbach Regional Hospital.

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