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Two Mongolians missing on Mount Everest

14.05.2024 14:07

Two climbers are missing on Mount Everest who were traveling without a local guide. The two Mongolians had only booked oxygen bottles and support from the base camp.

The expedition company was last in contact with the 31 and 53-year-old men on Sunday evening. At that time, the two climbers were on the ascent near the summit. This was announced by a Nepalese official at the base camp of the world's highest mountain on Tuesday.

Other groups of adventurers on their way up were instructed to keep an eye out for the two missing men. Their tour operator has also sent two mountain guides to search for them. The men had booked oxygen tanks and support from the base camp, but no local mountain guide.

A base camp on Mount Everest (Bild: APA/AFP/PRAKASH MATHEMA)
A base camp on Mount Everest

Costly adventure
Spring is usually the time when a particularly large number of people attempt to climb the huge mountain, as conditions are at their best at this time of year. Mount Everest is located on the border between Nepal and China in the Himalayas and can be climbed from both sides. If you want to do this, you have to apply for a permit for a fee. In Nepal this costs 11,000 dollars (the equivalent of 10,189.90 euros), in China more.

In total, the adventure usually costs at least 40,000 euros per person, often twice as much. In addition to the official fee, this includes local helpers who guide the people, carry their luggage and cook. It also includes the cost of accommodation, flights and equipment, including oxygen bottles.

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