Parallels to the FPÖ

List DNA in the EU election campaign: how it wants to score points

14.05.2024 15:53

The DNA (Democratic, Neutral, Authentic) list wants to enter the EU Parliament after the elections on June 9. The lead candidate is medical doctor Maria Hubmer-Mogg. She presented her most important demands at a press conference in Graz on Tuesday. Much of the content of the list is similar to that of the FPÖ.

Hubmer-Mogg became known for organizing demonstrations against corona measures. The list advocates, for example, an "independent review" of pandemic policy as well as against illegal immigration and changes to international health regulations, it said.

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5578 declarations of support collected
According to DNA, 5578 statements of support were submitted, far more than the 2600 required to stand in the EU elections. "I want to take my work to the next level. I am convinced that we can do it," said Hubmer-Mogg. After all, she was able to mobilize tens of thousands of people for the protests.

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Many people were desperate in the years after 2020 and were glad that there were doctors like me who showed their faces.

Maria Hubmer-Mogg (DNA)

Complaints after coronavirus vaccination "hushed up"
Hubmer-Mogg claimed that people who suffer from post-vac syndrome, i.e. who experience symptoms after a coronavirus vaccination, are being "hushed up". More money is needed for those affected and for research.

DNA list calls for the WHO pandemic treaty to be stopped
According to the Ministry of Health, just over 2,300 applications had been submitted under the Vaccination Damage Act by April 2024 and 412 had been approved. Hubmer-Mogg estimated on Tuesday that the number of unreported cases is much higher - the number of people affected by vaccination side effects is in the "high thousands, if not tens of thousands", she said. The WHO pandemic treaty, which has not yet been adopted, and the planned changes to international health regulations must be stopped, she said.

Referendum on migration called for
Entrepreneur Adrian Kawan is in second place on the list. On Tuesday, he said that political asylum should continue to be granted, such as for Julian Assange, but that illegal immigration must come to an end. "A journey through six to seven countries no longer has anything to do with the concept of flight," explained Kawan and called for a referendum on migration.

Adrian Kawan (DNA) (Bild: APA/ERWIN SCHERIAU)
Adrian Kawan (DNA)

Calls for an exit from the Green Deal
When it comes to climate protection, you have to "leave the church in the village, Austria is only responsible for 0.2 percent of global CO2 emissions", said Kawan. The Green Deal must be abandoned and glyphosate banned.

Programmatic overlaps with the FPÖ
There are some programmatic overlaps between the FPÖ and the DNA, for example an end to sanctions against Russia or halving the number of mandates in the EU Parliament. Hubmer-Mogg comments: "Citizens should feel out whether they want a female doctor in the EU for Austria. I have been dealing with this pandemic for four years and working with people around the world." Kawak emphasized that the list is "fresh, without scandals and courageous".


No plans to run in other elections
The list leader still ruled out running with DNA in other elections, such as the Styrian regional parliament or the National Council: "I see myself as part of the international network in the EU and want to represent the citizens there." Mödling employee Verena König-Bulasikis is also running for third place on the list.

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