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Russian attacks: power cuts in Ukraine

14.05.2024 22:54

After weeks of Russian attacks on power plants, the electricity supply in Ukraine was temporarily switched off on Tuesday. The state electricity supplier Ukrenergo explained that it was forced to carry out "controlled emergency shutdowns in all regions".

The power cuts affected the period between 9 p.m. and midnight local time (8 p.m. to 11 p.m. CEST). "The reason for this is a significant power shortage in the grid as a result of the Russian attacks and increased consumption due to a cold snap," Ukrenergo stated.

Restrictions also on Wednesday
No details on the implementation were given. The administration of the capital Kiev stated that ten percent of households were disconnected from the power grid. There will also be restrictions for industrial customers throughout Wednesday, it added on Tuesday. Russia has repeatedly attacked the Ukrainian energy supply.

20 injured in attack on Kharkiv
Meanwhile, at least 21 people have been injured in new Russian attacks on the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, according to official reports. Three children were among the victims, the public prosecutor's office in the region bordering Russia announced on Tuesday evening. The Ukrainian authorities reported several air strikes that shook the city during the course of the day and are also said to have hit a multi-storey residential building.

Kharkiv under fire (Bild: AP ( via APA) Austria Presse Agentur)
Kharkiv under fire

In his evening video address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi once again insisted on more international help with air defense, especially for Kharkiv. "If we had already received two Patriot systems for this region, it would have made a difference to the overall situation in the war," emphasized Selenskyj, who had met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who had traveled to Ukraine earlier in the day.

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