Great success!

This summer after-school care center will now remain open all year round

15.05.2024 17:00

From summer childcare to a permanent childcare facility - the project of regional management, five companies and four municipalities is a great success.

Reconciling work and family life - what can be reasonably organized in urban areas is often impossible in rural areas. In the East Tyrolean Oberland, a flagship project was launched last year with the after-school care center in Tessenberg.

After-school care for children from the age of three
Five companies and four municipalities came together under the leadership of the regional management and initially set up summer childcare. "We interviewed the employees in advance and held many workshops," explains Miriam Reith from Region Management. The after-school care is not only aimed at children (from 6 to 14): By extending the age range downwards, the after-school care center can be attended by children as young as three. The opening hours have been adapted to shift work.

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The after-school care center is not intended to compete with the kindergartens. We wanted to supplement the care.

Miriam Reith, Regionsmanagement Osttirol

After-school care continuation secured
"After the summer, it quickly became clear that the after-school care center could be continued all year round. And so the continuation is also secured for the coming year," says Reith.

Currently, 37 children attend the facility, which is housed in the VS Tessenberg in the municipality of Heinfels. The children are brought to the after-school care center by a transport service from nearby schools and kindergartens.

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