
40 million! Alonso loses first key player

15.05.2024 07:18

Is the big sell-off coming at champions Bayer Leverkusen? Coach Xabi Alonso loses his first key player!

According to "Sportbild", Jeremie Frimpong is leaning towards taking the next step and leaving Leverkusen in the summer.

Xabi Alonso

Top clubs interested in the Dutchman
Thanks to a release clause of 40 million euros, this will be quite easy for him. There are enough interested parties. Frimpong, who can play on the right flank both offensively and defensively, has been linked with numerous top clubs from England and Spain. Real Madrid, Manchester City, Arsenal, Manchester United - the 23-year-old can practically choose his club. And he has earned it with his performances. Frimpong is currently playing the best season of his career. In 44 competitive matches, he has scored 14 goals and set up a further twelve. FC Bayern are also interested in the Dutch international, but want to concentrate on finding a coach first. Only then will they see what type of player the new coach needs.

Frimpong (left) has played his way into the line-up. (Bild: APA/AFP/INA FASSBENDER)
Frimpong (left) has played his way into the line-up.

Tah should stay
In addition to Frimpong, Jonathan Tah is another player who has attracted attention in recent months. Under Julian Nagelsmann, the defender has already become a permanent fixture in the German national team alongside Real star Antonio Rüdiger. However, there is a good chance that the 28-year-old will remain in Leverkusen, according to reports. His contract runs until 2025. "For me, he's one of the best defenders in Europe at the moment," Xabi Alonso recently said about Tah.

Jonathan Tah (right) is set to stay with Leverkusen. (Bild: APA/AFP/Ben Stansall)
Jonathan Tah (right) is set to stay with Leverkusen.

Defender Hincapie is likely to leave the club in the summer. Similar to Frimpong, he is rumored to be interested in big clubs. His market value? 35 million euros!

In the case of playmaker Florian Wirtz, there is much to suggest that he will continue under Alonso in the coming season and only make the move to a top club in England or Spain in the summer of 2025. His price tag? 110 million euros ...

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read the original article here.

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