"Krone" readers have their say

High fuel prices at Lungau petrol pumps annoy people

15.05.2024 13:00

In the "Krone" series "What has happened? What needs to happen?" readers address wishes, praise and also criticism to the Salzburg state government. In Lungau, there is a great deal of anger about the expensive fuel prices.

Lungau's petrol pumps have their own rules: for years there have been enormous price differences compared to Salzburg. The Lungau municipalities asked the Federal Competition Authority to investigate a year ago. Manfred Sampl, Mayor of St. Michael and new President of the Association of Municipalities: "We don't have a result yet. It feels like the public pressure has at least brought prices somewhat into line." A final report is expected before the summer.

Reader asks state government for help
Readers report in the "Krone" series "What has happened? What needs to happen?" about continuing big price jumps. "On May 13 at 4 pm, petrol cost 1.604 euros in the Salzburg area and 1.769 euros in Lungau. How do these price differences come about?" asks Johann Hörnig.

He calls on Governor Wilfried Haslauer to ensure that all Salzburg residents pay the same amount at the pumps and says angrily: "Apparently our politicians only know that there is a Lungau in the province of Salzburg before the elections, when they need every vote."

Dear "Krone" readers, send us an email with your wishes and demands to the Salzburg state government: salzburg@kronenzeitung.at

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read the original article here.

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