Anorexia confession

Christina Applegate: “I only ate five almonds a day”

15.05.2024 17:00

As Kelly Bundy in the cult sitcom "A Terribly Nice Family", Christina Applegate once became a star. But now she has revealed: The role made her ill!

The fans of "A Terribly Nice Family" loved Kelly Bundy - and probably also because of her skimpy outfits. But Christina Applegate has now admitted that the role she owes her career to also had a dark side: it made her ill!

"Only ate five almonds a day"
"I deprived myself of food for years", the now 52-year-old admitted in the podcast "MeSsy", having suffered from anorexia back then. Looking back, she now knows about her time on the hit series: "It was fucking torture."

Her mother, actress Nancy Priddy (83), of all people, played a big part in her eating disorder. She was the one who suggested Weight Watchers to her in order to lose weight. "When I only weighed 50 kilos, my mother asked me: 'How did you manage that?' I did it because I had an eating disorder."

There were times when she ate "only five almonds a day", Applegate explained. If she ate more, "I would cry and not leave the house. I did that for years and years."

"Demons" haunt her to this day
Her figure goal: she wanted "my bones to stand out". At some point, her stylist had to sew her size 36 clothes tighter. Nevertheless, she still felt fat, Applegate now confessed in retrospect.

At some point, she was no longer able to hide her eating disorder from her acting colleagues. Nevertheless, she was unable to change anything about her pathological eating behavior and could only think about her slim figure.

Christina Applegate at her last public appearance at the Emmy Awards at the beginning of the year (Bild: 2024 Getty Images)
Christina Applegate at her last public appearance at the Emmy Awards at the beginning of the year

Applegate tearfully admitted that she fought anorexia until she was 30 years old. These "demons" still plague her to this day. For example, during her appearance at the Emmy Awards in January.

Joke about her figure
At the time, Applegate, who suffers from multiple sclerosis and came on stage with a cane, was cheered by the audience. Nevertheless, she made jokes about her now fuller body due to the illness. "I made jokes at the Emmys because I wanted to say: 'I know what you're thinking'."

Christina Applegate played the role of Kelly Bundy from 1987 to 1997. She later starred in films such as "Super Sweet and Super Sexy" and "Bad Moms" and enjoyed great success with the Netflix series "Dead to Me". In 2021, the actress made it public that she had multiple sclerosis.

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