SPAR Academy Vienna:

“Ambassador School of the European Parliament”

16.05.2024 07:00

Community, solidarity or the peaceful coexistence of population groups and nations: Hot topics that have been practiced values and an integral part of the curriculum at the SPAR Academy Vienna since its foundation.

On the way to becoming the "Ambassador School of the European Parliament", the curriculum has been expanded to include EU-specific learning content, in addition to many other measures. The certificate was recently presented at a ceremony at the SPAR Academy Vienna in the presence of Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution Karoline Edtstadler.

Getting young people excited about the European Union and raising awareness of democracy is the aim of the "European Parliament Ambassador Schools" program. The program is available throughout Europe. The application process includes the implementation of many different criteria, including further training for teachers, the nomination of school ambassadors, the cross-curricular implementation of extended EU content in lessons, the organization of an event in the run-up to Europe Day and the anchoring in the school development concept.

From left to right: Head of the SPAR Academy Vienna Robert Renz, Junior Ambassador and 2nd year apprentice Laura Diez, Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution Karoline Edtstadler, Junior Ambassador and apprentice Antonio Bornaz and SPAR CEO Hans K. Reisch. (Bild: SPAR/Johannes Brunnbauer)
From left to right: Head of the SPAR Academy Vienna Robert Renz, Junior Ambassador and 2nd year apprentice Laura Diez, Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution Karoline Edtstadler, Junior Ambassador and apprentice Antonio Bornaz and SPAR CEO Hans K. Reisch.

Practical learning based on hot topics
What is inflation, how does it come about and what do the ECB's key interest rate and international supply chains have to do with it? These and many other topics, which could not be more topical, were integrated into the economic subjects at the SPAR Academy Vienna. In the subject "Political Education" in the third grades, almost the entire second semester is devoted to the history and development of the EU. Topics such as the various EU institutions and their areas of responsibility, current and future member states, the importance of monetary union, EU subsidies and funding and much more are also covered.

Junior Ambassadors - commitment in action
One of the criteria for certification is to nominate Junior Ambassadors. Their task is to represent the pupils of the SPAR Academy Vienna in matters relating to the European Union and to support the teachers and school management in all EU activities.

Frank Piplat, Head of the Liaison Office of the European Parliament in Austria (left) accompanied the certification process of the SPAR Academy Vienna. SPAR CEO Hans K. Reisch, Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution Karoline Edtstadler and Head of the SPAR Academy Vienna Robert Renz (from left to right) are delighted with the certificate. (Bild: SPAR/Johannes Brunnbauer)
Frank Piplat, Head of the Liaison Office of the European Parliament in Austria (left) accompanied the certification process of the SPAR Academy Vienna. SPAR CEO Hans K. Reisch, Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution Karoline Edtstadler and Head of the SPAR Academy Vienna Robert Renz (from left to right) are delighted with the certificate.

SPAR Academy Vienna
With 2,700 apprenticeships for 24 professions, SPAR is the largest private apprentice trainer in Austria. Since 2000, the academy in Vienna has been a private, state-recognized vocational school with public rights. Around 350 apprentices from 34 nations and ethnic groups, who speak 29 different native languages and belong to 13 religious communities, are currently being trained at the SPAR Academy Vienna. In 2017, the space was tripled to almost 2,000 square meters and ten million euros were invested.

In the provinces, SPAR trains apprentices in its own SPAR Academy classes at selected provincial vocational schools. Some of the additional training courses are also available in the provinces. SPAR therefore offers training that goes far beyond a normal apprenticeship in the food trade.

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