
Drama surrounding Lena Schilling: What the Viennese think of it

15.05.2024 17:29

Serious accusations, a failed press conference, support from the FPÖ and a civil lawsuit. How much does the drama surrounding Lena Schilling affect voters? asked around at the Schottentor.

The party leadership continues to emphasize that it is about Schilling's highly personal matters that have nothing to do with politics - but not everyone shares this view. On Wednesday, employees of the Green Club set up an information stand in front of the University of Vienna: The election campaign must go on - despite the Schilling case.

Serious accusations against Lena Schilling are putting the Greens in a tight spot in the EU election campaign. (Bild: STEINMAURER/APA)
Serious accusations against Lena Schilling are putting the Greens in a tight spot in the EU election campaign.

"It's her ownfault" meets a pensioner near the Schottentor subway station. No pity at all: for her, it's clear that from the moment you stand in public and do politics, you're a target. "When I step onto this pavement, I have to know what's going to happen." And further: "It's her own fault."

"If I step on this pavement, then I have to know what will happen. It's her own fault." (Bild:
"If I step on this pavement, then I have to know what will happen. It's her own fault."

"Everyone makes mistakes ..."
One young student in particular was visibly upset about the situation. He voiced harsh criticism: "She actively slandered and endangered people. I don't know how that will go down in the EU Parliament if someone like that sits there and wants to play the moralizer. I can be that myself, I don't need Lena Schilling for that."

A little compassion shines through: "Everyone makes mistakes, I think she needs to own up to what she's done now."

"She actively slandered and endangered people. I don't know how that will go down in the EU Parliament if someone like that sits there and wants to play the moralizer." (Bild:
"She actively slandered and endangered people. I don't know how that will go down in the EU Parliament if someone like that sits there and wants to play the moralizer."

Another passer-by considers the "headlines" to be exaggerated: "If it has little substance, then I don't take it seriously. I wonder why it's being publicized so widely."

"If it has little substance, then I don't take it seriously. I wonder why it's being taken so seriously." (Bild:
"If it has little substance, then I don't take it seriously. I wonder why it's being taken so seriously."

"Nothing to do with the election campaign"
But not everyone thinks that way. A student sits in front of the main entrance to the University of Vienna: "Of course it (accusations) somehow influences opinion."
Is it all just a campaign, or is it all "grumbling and farting"?

While parking his bike directly in front of the university, another student says: "I think it clearly has nothing to do with the election campaign. It's a private matter. It has to be clearly separated. It doesn't affect my vote."

"I think it clearly has nothing to do with the election campaign. It's a private matter. It can be clearly separated. It doesn't influence my vote." (Bild:
"I think it clearly has nothing to do with the election campaign. It's a private matter. It can be clearly separated. It doesn't influence my vote."

"I like her goals"
The focus of the EU election campaign should be on content. One young Viennese clearly states: "The goals she pursued, such as the urban highway, were good. And I like her goals and I would vote for her."

"The goals she pursued with the urban highway were good. And I like her goals and I would vote for her." (Bild:
"The goals she pursued with the urban highway were good. And I like her goals and I would vote for her."

It remains to be seen whether the Schilling case will have a direct impact on voting behavior. According to a recent OGM study, the Greens are losing ground slightly and have been pushed into fifth place by the NEOS, who have made slight gains.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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