Despite EU export ban

Austrian weapons have turned up in Russia

15.05.2024 21:55

Although the export of firearms to Russia was banned throughout the EU following the start of the war of aggression against Ukraine, Austrian weapons are apparently still being delivered there. According to the Russian exile medium "The Insider", at least 169 rifles and pistols from the Upper Austrian arms company Steyr Arms and over 3,600 Glock pistols have been exported to Russia since February 24, 2022.

In October 2022, the EU banned the export of firearms of any kind to the Russian Federation as part of a sanctions package. "And yet (...) the Moscow arms wholesaler Arsenal still received eleven Steyr sniper rifles this February," writes the "Presse", citing "The Insider". Arsenal is currently offering 20 Steyr Arms models for sale.

Glock pistols from Austrian production
Of the 3606 Glock pistols exported to Russia, 3203 are said to have been manufactured by Glock GmbH in Austria and the remaining 403 by the US subsidiary Glock Inc. The report does not reveal how many of these were delivered before the EU export ban on firearms began. The Glock pistols were imported by five Russian companies; it is unclear whether the pistols were also supplied to the Russian armed forces or only found private buyers.

Steyr Arms emphasized to the "Presse" that no more weapons had been delivered to Russia since the beginning of the Ukraine war in February 2022. There was no statement from Glock on this.

Intermediaries and third countries
The Austrian weapons are likely to have reached Russia via third countries and intermediaries. "The Insider" names a Cypriot trading company as a link; it is also suspected by the British authorities of arms smuggling with North Korea.

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