Putin visit to China

Xi: Relations with Russia good for world peace

16.05.2024 11:41

Xi Jinping, the head of state of China, on Thursday described his country's relations with Russia as conducive to peace - "not only in the fundamental interests of the two countries", but also "conducive to peace", stability and prosperity in the region and the world.

China is willing to work with Russia to "uphold fairness and justice in the world", Xi continued. Xi said China-Russia relations have become stronger and have withstood the "test of a changing international landscape".

Putin said in the conversation with Xi that both countries had a solid foundation in practical cooperation. The Russian head of state explained that bilateral trade had increased by almost a quarter to 227 billion US dollars in 2023 and emphasized that China was Russia's most important partner in the areas of trade and the economy. Putin named energy, industry and agriculture as priorities.

Vladimir Putin with Xi Jinping (Bild: AP/Sergei Bobylev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)
Vladimir Putin with Xi Jinping

Putin "sincerely pleased" about visit to China
When welcoming the Chinese President, Putin, who is on a two-day visit to China, emphasized that he was genuinely delighted to be visiting hospitable China again. The Russian President arrived with a delegation of high-ranking politicians, including the newly appointed Defense Minister Andrei Beloussov and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The heads of some of the most important Russian companies are also present.

Alliance against the global dominance of the USA
It is Putin's first trip abroad since his controversial re-election in March and his swearing-in at the beginning of May. This in itself is a clear signal from both heads of state, both internally and externally. Both states share an interest in pushing back the global dominance of the USA.

In addition to the meetings with Xi, Putin is also scheduled to hold talks with head of government Li Qiang and visit a trade fair in the city of Harbin. Xi, who only returned to Beijing from a trip to Europe last week, rejected criticism of China's support for Russia in the Ukraine war.

"Unlimited partnership" between China and Russia
Observers also see parallels in the way both politicians view their neighbors: while Putin has denied Ukraine the right to an independent existence, Xi views the island republic of Taiwan as a renegade province. Shortly before Russia launched its major attack on Ukraine in February 2022, Putin and Xi assured each other of an "unlimited partnership" in Beijing.

Warning to the Western heads of government
Vyacheslav Volodin, the Russian speaker of the lower house of parliament and a close ally of Putin, sent a warning to the West. Ukraine is dragging the USA and Europe into a major war, said Volodin. The heads of state and government of the West must ensure that a major global catastrophe is prevented. Various politicians close to Putin and the President himself have repeatedly warned the West not to cross the red lines of the government in Moscow by supplying weapons to Ukraine. Directly or indirectly, Russia's nuclear arsenal has also been repeatedly threatened.

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