Upper Austria

“Who wants me?”: These animals have no home

17.05.2024 16:00

Not all pets are lucky enough to grow up in a safe environment. Here we present some animals with whom fate has not been so kind. They can be adopted by animal welfare organizations.

Jacob – der Aufgeschlossene
(Bild: Tierheim Linz)

Jacob and numerous other rabbits (all 11 months old) are still waiting at the Linz animal shelter to be adopted into species-appropriate enclosures. The handsome boy is very open-minded and friendly towards people.
Phone: 0 732/24 78 87

Pasha – der Sportliche
(Bild: Tierheim Linz)

Pasha came to the shelter as a found dog but was never picked up by his owners. The sporty male is two years young and initially a little reserved around strangers. But once he has taken someone to his heart, he is cuddly and obedient. Unfortunately, he does not enjoy other animals very much. Phone: 0 732/24 78 87

Lucky – der Charmante
(Bild: Tierheim Linz)

Lucky looks a bit disheveled here, but contrary to first impressions, he is an incredibly charming guy who, at eleven years old, still has a few good years ahead of him. He needs special food due to elevated kidney values. Lucky loves outings in the countryside, which is why he should be given his beloved outdoor access again. Who can give this lovable cat a home? Phone: 0 732/24 78 87

Jakob – der Kämpfer
(Bild: zVg)

Jakob is about one and a half years old and very alert. The male dog is not fully able to walk due to an infection he probably had as a puppy. He needs a trolley to support his hind legs when walking. Jakob is very outgoing and gets on well with children, other dogs and other animals. He even counts cats among his friends. He loves playing outside with his dog buddies and whizzing around in his wheelchair. Phone: 0 664/18 79 687

Bärli – die Schüchterne
(Bild: Pfotenhilfe Lochen)

Bärli was born in 2020. The female velvet paw is a little shy at first and takes a while to gain confidence. She will go to cat lovers who can offer her a quiet home with the opportunity to go outside. Phone: 0 664/541 50 79

Deimus – der Einzelprinz
(Bild: Laura Berndl)

The strong American Staffordshire Terrier Deimus is nine years old and in his prime. Unfortunately, he is a little skeptical of strangers. His new owners must therefore take enough time to win his heart. Other animals and small children should not be present in Deimus' new home. Experience in handling and keeping dogs is a basic requirement for adoption.
Phone: 0 732/24 78 87

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