Shortage of skilled workers

Young talent for tourism: information campaign at schools

16.05.2024 16:00

There is a shortage of 700 skilled workers in the hospitality and event industry. Exciting career guidance aims to arouse interest at an early stage.

"Your workplace on the sunny side!" This is the slogan under which Burgenland Tourism is continuing its spirited "Check the Prak" internship campaign. "Both the hospitality industry and the vacation and event sector are no longer as important to young people as they used to be. However, career opportunities have increased and the work has become more varied," says Daniela Winkler, State Councillor for Education. What's more, Burgenland has developed into a year-round destination.

Provincial Councillor Daniela Winkler and Burgenland Tourism Director Didi Tunkel presented the exciting information campaign for lower school pupils (Bild: Karl Grammer)
Provincial Councillor Daniela Winkler and Burgenland Tourism Director Didi Tunkel presented the exciting information campaign for lower school pupils

Webinar, teaching material and "experience days"
In order to make the many attractive jobs in tourism - from national park ranger and spa manager to nutrition trainer and guest advisor - appealing to the next generation, an information campaign has been launched in lower secondary schools. The basic component is an interactive presentation with figures, data, facts, training opportunities and experience reports. Interested schools can access a webinar from Burgenland Tourismus or the teaching material including guidelines for teachers. In addition, "experience days" can be organized for classes in leading companies throughout the province. The marketing package includes the website

"You have to start early to motivate young talent," says Didi Tunkel, Managing Director of Tourism. Good news on the side: the group of recipients of the Burgenland Card is being expanded to include more than 300 tourism students.

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