Pharmacy robbed

Criminals run into police officer with cash register

16.05.2024 16:12

This robbery went badly wrong: in Seattle in the US state of Washington, a couple ran straight into the arms of a police officer after a robbery with the stolen cash register, as footage from the officer's bodycam (see video above), which has now been released, shows.

Police were outside a West Seattle pharmacy at around 7:15 p.m. on April 28 when two suspects - a woman and a man - stepped out of the front door and into the open. The 20-year-old woman in the bright yellow anorak, who was holding the robbed cash drawer, practically ran straight into a stunned police officer, who immediately handcuffed her.

Accomplice caught after a short escape
Her accomplice, a man dressed in black, walked past the police officer and was initially able to escape. However, the officer found him in his hiding place and called for backup. After a short escape, the man was overpowered by several police officers and arrested

The woman (pictured) ran - with the stolen cash drawer in her hands - straight into a stunned police officer. (Bild: kameraOne (Screenshot))
The woman (pictured) ran - with the stolen cash drawer in her hands - straight into a stunned police officer.

The police found a handgun on the 20-year-old woman. She was booked into jail for theft and carrying a handgun without a license. According to Fox News, her accomplice was charged with obstructing an officer and the 40-year-old man also had a warrant out for his arrest for domestic violence.

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read the original article here.

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