Deal angers USA

Putin and Xi demonstrate unity with a hug

17.05.2024 08:30

Russian and Chinese leaders Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have ended their talks in China with a harmonious gesture. After a one-day program in Beijing, Putin and Xi first shook hands on Thursday evening and shortly afterwards hugged each other goodbye - and the USA is fuming.

Xi waved after his guest as he drove off into the darkness in a limousine, as seen on a video from state broadcaster CCTV. It was a special display of intimacy between the autocrats in times of war. On Friday, Putin continued his two-day state visit to the northern Chinese city of Harbin.

During talks the previous day in Beijing, Putin and Xi had agreed to continue their close cooperation. China and Russia, the warring party in Moscow's war of aggression against Ukraine, also spoke out in favor of a solution through political agreement. Putin praised China's peace efforts.

The symbolic embrace in the video:

However, Beijing has not yet committed to the upcoming peace conference in Switzerland. A twelve-point plan proposed by China more than a year ago to resolve the conflict met with little international approval due to its vague proposals.

USA criticizes friendly approach
In view of the friendly meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin, the US government has described Chinese support for Russia as an obstacle to rapprochement with the West. China cannot "dance at two weddings at the same time", said State Department spokesman Vedant Patel in Washington on Thursday.

Better relations with Europe and other countries are not possible for Beijing if it simultaneously "fuels the greatest threat to European security in a long time", the spokesman emphasized, referring to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.

Does Beijing hold the keys?
The USA sees China as playing a key role in the Ukraine conflict, even if Beijing is not directly supplying weapons to Russia for the war. According to the US government, however, China is the main supplier of components for the Russian arms industry. Without this support, "Russia would have a hard time sustaining its attack on Ukraine", said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a visit to China at the end of April.

Putin and Xi want to continue to work closely together in the future. (Bild: AFP/Sergei BOBYLYOV)
Putin and Xi want to continue to work closely together in the future.

China, on the other hand, claims to be taking a neutral position in the Ukraine war. At their meeting in Beijing on Thursday, however, Xi and Putin celebrated their partnership. Xi called Sino-Russian relations "conducive to peace".

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