City boss insulted

Vomit emojis: Carinthian narrowly escapes prison

17.05.2024 10:20

A bang in the criminal proceedings concerning vomit smileys in Klagenfurt town hall: as reported, Mayor Christian Scheider has reported several Facebook users - two ended up in court. And a communications scientist only just got away with a suspended prison sentence!

The criminal proceedings for defamation and insult are of great interest to anyone who uses social media. Because it clearly shows where the boundaries are between criticism and hate online. Several people from Klagenfurt had made derogatory comments about Mayor Christian Scheider on Facebook or liked corresponding posts: among other things, the head of the city was called a "gangster" and his "face" was mentioned - garnished with vomiting emojis.

Expensive diversions
Does a politician have to put up with this? - According to case law, the answer is clearly "no": confessed posters have gotten away with diversions, but these have been expensive. A young man from Klagenfurt, for example, has to pay 1650 euros to the judiciary, 200 euros compensation to the politician and legal fees.

It gets even worse for an unconvincing critic of Scheider, who adds: "He is not suited to be mayor of the provincial capital, neither personally nor professionally. You're still allowed to say that!" Judge Michaela Sanin imposes a five-month prison sentence - conditionally.

The high sentence also stems from several previous convictions, which do not reflect well on the communications graduate. He wants to fight the conviction.

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