New wave of posters

Turbulent days: Schilling rules out resignation

17.05.2024 11:41

The election campaign of Green EU leadership candidate Lena Schilling has hit the rocks following accusations against her. The party is facing a debacle and the climate activist is in free fall in the polls. A second wave of posters is supposed to save what can be saved.

At the beginning of the poster unveiling, however, the focus was once again on the private life of the non-party climate activist. "Yes, the past ten days have been turbulent, to say the least," explained Schilling. She was sorry if she had offended anyone through her actions.

However, she wanted to set the record straight on a few things: The rumor that she had claimed to have been sexually harassed by her sponsor Sigrid Maurer was simply false. She also rejected accusations that she had almost cost a journalist his job. Schilling could understand that "people" would like to see more transparency regarding the allegations of lies. She might have "stonewalled" a little here.

The Greens' second wave of posters for the EU elections (Bild: APA/Hans Klaus Techt)
The Greens' second wave of posters for the EU elections

However, Schilling now wants to get back to European realities. A cross for the Greens in the EU elections is now required because it is about the future, the climate and democracy. "If we don't continue to be loud, nobody will", which is why she has always ruled out a political withdrawal. Even if the past few days - "in all honesty" - have been difficult. She now wants to prove what kind of person she is and "win back hearts".

Greens in free fall
At her side was the Green Party leadership in the form of party leader Werner Kogler and Secretary General Olga Voglauer. The public debate surrounding Schilling's alleged missteps had a clear impact on the party. The Greens plummeted in the new APA/OGM confidence index, with Schilling even coming second to last, behind her EU rivals. She was only undercut by National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP).

Kogler also tried to calm the waves of the past few days. Knowing full well that he himself had contributed to this. In an initial unsuccessful reaction to the accusations, "the horses had run away with me". Kogler had spoken of "anonymous grumbling" and "farting". He now considered this to be inappropriate, insensitive and unintelligent. "I would like to apologize for that, it wasn't clever, it's not appropriate."

This had angered some Austrians. But now it's about Europe and that affects everyone. A fundamental question needed an answer: "Protect nature or destroy the basis of life?"

Majority of posters without Schilling's face
The Greens' poster campaign is similarly fundamental. It reads: "Because it's about the climate", "Because it's about democracy", "Because it's about Europe", "Because it's about your future". Schilling is only depicted on one of the four.

Kogler was emphatically combative, but also struck a reflective note. (Bild: APA/HANS KLAUS TECHT)
Kogler was emphatically combative, but also struck a reflective note.

Voglauer and Kogler were certainly combative in view of the poll figures and political competition from the Beer Party, the KPÖ and former Green Party leader Madeleine Petrovic. "We are used to difficult times," said Kogler laconically, and the party had already made a comeback once before. According to the Green Party leader, nothing can be "taken for granted" anymore. Because there are not only tipping points for the climate, this also applies to democracies: "Keyword Orbanistan!"

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