Starting in the fall?

What ex-Green Party leader Petrovic’s list stands for

17.05.2024 12:17

Former Green Party leader Madeleine Petrovic wants to run with her own list in the National Council elections in the fall (see video above). At a press conference on Friday, she spoke of an "unavoidable" step, as she and the Greens had become increasingly estranged.

She cited the measures taken during the coronavirus pandemic as the main reason for this. The new list is therefore also committed to coming to terms with the coronavirus era and an "active peace policy". "There must be reconciliation," said Petrovic. People had lost their jobs during the pandemic because of their scientific opinions, not just as doctors. In the 67-year-old's view, the "mainstream of green politics" has developed in the wrong direction and is "problematic".

Environmental and animal protection on the agenda
However, environmental and animal protection as well as social justice remain important to the former federal spokesperson. On Friday, the new list was open to talks with supporters from all political camps. However, it should grow slowly so that full members can be carefully examined before joining. Mistakes made by other groups should not be repeated.

Madeleine Petrovic wants to stand in the National Council elections with her own list. (Bild: APA/Florian Wieser)
Madeleine Petrovic wants to stand in the National Council elections with her own list.
Monika Henninger-Erber at the press conference on Friday (Bild: APA/Florian Wieser)
Monika Henninger-Erber at the press conference on Friday

"We come from the grassroots", said Monika Henninger-Erber, currently a non-attached local councillor in Grafenegg, who is also on the list. Other members are mainly former Greens who were part of the Green Association for Fundamental Rights and Freedom of Information. In order to run in the National Council elections in the fall, 2600 declarations of support are required.

Petrovic entered the National Council for the Greens in 1990, was party leader until 1996 and state spokesperson for the Greens in Lower Austria until 2015. According to her own statements, she has since left the party.

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read the original article here.
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