Rotten wood too

Observation tower collapsed due to frost damage

17.05.2024 19:00

Following the collapse of an observation tower in Schardenberg a week ago, investigators have now ruled out the possibility that the structure was destroyed by an explosion. The reason why it collapsed completely could not be determined with certainty. According to experts, the accident is most likely due to years of frost damage.

The 32-metre-high tower of the Fronbergwarte in Schardenberg collapsed unexpectedly on the evening of 10 May, and a fire also had to be extinguished. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the investigation into the cause took several days.

Officials from the State Office of Criminal Investigation, a structural engineer and a fire expert took a close look at the rubble. They found no traces that would indicate an explosion.

During the excavations, relevant objects (access doors, air conditioning systems, electrical equipment for antenna systems, etc.) were recovered, none of which showed any signs of a possible explosion. None of the doors showed any deformation that would occur in the course of an explosion.

"Hail noise"
The structural engineer was able to plausibly demonstrate that a scattering of broken glass in the surrounding area and a hail noise heard by workers in the vicinity were the result of the collapse.

Traces that would indicate an explosion could not be found (Bild: Pressefoto Scharinger © Daniel Scharinger)
Traces that would indicate an explosion could not be found

The initial fire in the battery system on the first floor can be attributed to mechanical damage to the battery box during the collapse.

Infested by pests
However, load-bearing wooden parts were discovered in the rubble that were infested with pests and rotten. The cinder bricks also showed signs of frost damage. The experts concluded that the load-bearing capacity had probably suffered as a result.

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