Interview with Ulmer

Legend? “I can do very little with that”

17.05.2024 22:00

After more than 15 years and 582 games, Andi Ulmer says goodbye to Red Bull Salzburg on Sunday. The "Krone" asked the departing club legend for a big interview beforehand. The left-back looks back on his successful time in the city of Mozart.

When Andreas Ulmer came to Salzburg in 2009, he was one of many. When he says goodbye on Sunday, he will leave as the most successful Bull of all time. An interview about an era, titles and the future.

"Krone": Andi, you will be saying goodbye to Salzburg on Sunday after fifteen and a half years as a player. How are you feeling emotionally?
Andreas Ulmer: It's really stressful at the moment, so there's not much time to think (laughs). That will probably come at the game or afterwards. I'm already very excited. But we still have a lot to do in this last match.

How hopeful are you that the title will come down to the wire?
I imagine that it will happen, maybe it will work out. The most important thing is that it's in my head. I know that a lot has to come together, but it's possible.

How do you see the situation?
We have to win either way. The situation is certainly unusual for Sturm.

You've won 14 Bundesliga titles, only Salzburg as a club has more. How do you classify your collection of titles, which also includes ten cup wins?
I hadn't really thought about that because I'm someone who likes to look forward and rarely looks back. But it's cool that I've been able to win a few championships. The fact that we as a club have won ten in a row is truly extraordinary.

Championship titles in the Bundesliga

17 titles: Red Bull Salzburg

14 titles: Andreas Ulmer

14 titles: Austria Vienna

7 titles: Wacker Innsbruck, Rapid Vienna

3 titles: Sturm Graz

1 title: Grazer AK

Nevertheless, let's take a look back. How do you view your time in Salzburg in the rear-view mirror?
Soccer was very different at the beginning. It was very special when I came into the dressing room as a young player. There were really big names here that I could share the pitch with. I was able to take a lot with me.
In which areas do you see the biggest differences compared to back then?
The biggest difference is that as a young player you are very focused on yourself and don't have everything in view. I've certainly learned a lot from the boys, including the different cultures. I've matured a lot as a person as a result.

Do you regret anything from your time in Salzburg?
So you wouldn't do anything differently?
Maybe win one more championship title (laughs).

Who has been your toughest opponent so far?
Players like Sadio Mane. In our game in Liverpool, he switched to my side in the second half. He was extremely difficult to play against. Mauro Zarate from Lazio was really good. Bayern also have very, very strong players on the wing. Paulo Dybala in the game against Roma was also strong.

Andreas Ulmer not only collects titles, but also special jerseys. (Bild: zVg)
Andreas Ulmer not only collects titles, but also special jerseys.

Do you see yourself as a Salzburg legend?
No, I can't do much with that. I would rather have played 600 games.

There's talk of banning your number 17. Your assessment?
It would be something quite extraordinary and special. That only happens very rarely in soccer.

The fans adore you. What does that mean to you?
It's nice to see. It's a sign of what I've been able to achieve here, but it also has to do with loyalty to the fans and the club.

Your wife and two sons are at every home game. What role does your family play?
It means an incredible amount to me, actually everything! It's important to me that they are doing well. I'm also incredibly grateful for my wife's support. It's not easy sitting in the stands with two small children who would love to run around the pitch (laughs).

Big love: Andi with his Sarah. (Bild: Andreas Tröster)
Big love: Andi with his Sarah.

You really want to keep playing. Do you already know where?
I'm talking to other clubs, but I can't announce anything concrete yet. My head and heart are currently in Salzburg.
How will you remember your time here?
I'm grateful for everything I've been able to experience here. For the people I was able to get to know. In the club, but also outside.

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read the original article here.

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