Sturm's champion coach

Ilzer: “Knocked a giant off the throne”

19.05.2024 20:12

It's done! Sturm Graz have knocked serial champions Red Bull Salzburg off their throne after ten titles in a row. Now the Champions League awaits, a major argument for the sporting management to stay with the club. And the "bulls"? They pay tribute to the new champions ...

"Sturm Graz won and therefore deserved to win the championship title, which is why Sturm Graz should also be congratulated on the championship title at the moment, so all the best to Graz," congratulated Salzburg's sports director Bernhard Seonbuchner.

The "Bulls" were naturally disappointed, but the team "played really good soccer against LASK. From the first to the last minute, it was basically the way we want to play, which we have failed to do too often this season". Onur Cinel, Salzburg's interim coach, added: "No question, we wanted to become champions, congratulations to Sturm Graz. Of course we are disappointed, but we delivered a great game with the 7:1 ..."

Christian Ilzer (Bild: Sepp Pail)
Christian Ilzer

"... to knock a giant like Salzburg off the throne!"
Of course, there was no trace of disappointment among Sturm's successful coach Christian Ilzer, even though he said it will take him a few more days to really understand what a great story was completed today.

"We all suffered, there was a certain amount of tension. We won the double for a fantastic traditional club. We showed that it is also possible to knock a giant like Salzburg off the throne," said Ilzer after the title triumph.

The Sturm coach knows: "You have to celebrate moments like this. We have grown together and overcome many hurdles. That welds us together." But will the championship squad really remain intact? Sports boss Andreas Schicker in particular is in high demand.

Andreas Schicker (Bild: Sepp Pail)
Andreas Schicker

"Champions League is very appealing"
Sturm's head of sport: "The Champions League is very appealing, you don't experience something like that every day. I'll make the decision next week." For now it's time to celebrate. "We've come closer to Salzburg every year, and this year we got them," said Schicker. "We opted for a clear game idea, the right coach and also made good transfers."

Everything simply came together. "When I see how many happy people are in the stadium today, all over Styria - at the end of the day you also have to say that soccer Austria finally wanted to see another champion, I noticed that. I'm over the moon, but it will take me a while to show that emotionally."

Christian Jauk (Bild: Pail Sepp)
Christian Jauk

The Sturm president was also almost a little gobsmacked. "I'm a bit lost for words," said Christian Jauk. "Shortly before the 1:0, I was a little nervous at one point. It was a dream come true for me. The Sturm family believed in it for years. We are the jewel of the south. I take my hat off to Ilzer and Schicker. They have already become Graz legends!"

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read the original article here.

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