Diplomatic crisis

Argentina’s president causes a scandal in Spain

20.05.2024 09:51

During his visit to Spain, Argentinian President Javier Milei violated several diplomatic conventions and caused a scandal at an EU election campaign event of the right-wing populist Vox party in Madrid.

In his much-acclaimed speech on Sunday, the 53-year-old harshly criticized Spain's left-wing government and described the wife of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Begoña Gómez, as "corrupt". Although he did not directly name the 49-year-old first lady, the allusion was clear. The Spanish government's response was not long in coming. It recalled its ambassador in Buenos Aires to Madrid for consultations and "for an indefinite period".

Foreign Minister deplores "frontal attack on Spain"
When this measure was announced, Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares spoke of a "frontal attack on our democracy, on our institutions and on Spain". "It is unacceptable for a sitting president to insult Spain and the Spanish Prime Minister during a visit to Spain", said Albares. Argentina's ambassador had also been summoned. A "public apology" from Milei was demanded, otherwise measures would be taken, he said.

Inside, people cheered, while outside the event, opponents of the Vox party demonstrated against fascism. (Bild: APA/AP)
Inside, people cheered, while outside the event, opponents of the Vox party demonstrated against fascism.

Spain's conservatives demand answers in corruption scandal
Spain's largest opposition party, the conservative People's Party (PP), did not join in the criticism of Milei. According to party circles, Sanchez should have taken a stand on the corruption allegations against his wife weeks ago. It was the PP's job to oppose the Spanish government and not Milei.

Milei celebrated "like a rock star"
Milei's speech in Madrid, where he did not want to meet either the Spanish king or head of government Sánchez, had previously inspired around 11,000 participants from Europe, the USA and Latin America. We must say "basta to damned and cancerous socialism". Socialism leads "to slavery or death", social justice is "always unjust", shouted the guest speaker, who describes himself as an "anarcho-capitalist". Milei was celebrated like a "rock star", as the newspaper "El Mundo" and other media described the atmosphere in the Palacio de Vistalegre. During the Argentinean's performance, people repeatedly chanted "Freedom, freedom". "Thank you, Javier Milei, for scaring the leftists of the West," said Vox President Santiago Abascal.

First Lady targeted: accusations and rumors
Sánchez's political opponents from the right-wing camp have been targeting his wife for months in order to discredit the prime minister. Rumors have even been recklessly spread that she is a transperson and that her father secretly runs a brothel with Polish prostitutes. Most recently, the far-right, self-declared anti-corruption group Manos Limpias ("Clean Hands") even filed charges against Gómez. She is said to have abused her influence as First Lady to arrange a state aid package for "favors", including for the Spanish airline Air Europa. The case also involves bribes and the illegal use of taxpayers' money.

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez with his wife Begoña Gómez (Bild: APA/AFP/JAVIER SORIANO)
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez with his wife Begoña Gómez

The 49-year-old marketing expert was in fact in contact with the airline, as she worked for the travel company Globalia, which belongs to Air Europa, as well as various NGOs and banks. However, she denies all allegations of corruption and undue influence.

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