Decision in government

This is where the next State Garden Show will take place

20.05.2024 18:00

It is a crowd-puller that nature lovers have had to wait for since 2019. Next year, Schärding will once again host a state garden show - and on Tuesday, the government will decide who will be awarded the contract for the event in 2027. The "Krone" knows the winner.

Five years ago, Upper Austria hosted its last state garden show (LGS). Back then, 245,000 visitors came to Aigen-Schlägl. Until the next one - the "INNsGRÜN" in Schärding - nature lovers will have to wait just under a year (April 25 to October 5, 2025). But then it's just a matter of time: the next state garden show will take place just two years later - and the "Krone" already knows where.

Advisory board submits proposal to government
With its concept "Garden... finds the city" concept, Wels was awarded the contract. According to Agriculture Minister Michaela Langer-Weninger (ÖVP), the trade fair city prevailed against four applicants. A large-scale urban restructuring of the eastern exhibition grounds is planned for the project. Based on the proposal of an advisory board and an external expert, the corresponding decision is to be taken by the provincial government on Tuesday.

How the award works

  • Upper Austria's garden shows are awarded by the provincial government on the recommendation of an advisory board.
  • They are awarded in accordance with the "Guidelines for Provincial Garden Shows" and always for the next legislative period.
  • There will be one provincial garden show and one "Garden Time" - a format that offers smaller municipalities in particular the opportunity to host a garden show.
  • On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the state government will decide on the garden shows for the period 2027 to 2032.

"Gartenzeit" will take place again in 2031
The venue for the next "Gartenzeit" - the little sister of the LGS, so to speak - has also been decided: it will take place in Vorchdorf in 2031 under the motto "BlütenHOCHZEIT".

Tourist and economic enhancement
"The concepts are well thought out, attractive and will allow the venues to flourish in terms of tourism and business," believes Langer-Weninger. State Governor Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP) shares the optimism: "The previous provincial garden shows were crowd pullers, and I'm sure the ones in Wels 2027 and Vorchdorf 2031 will be too."

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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