Age discrimination

Pensioners fight for a life without the internet

20.05.2024 17:30

Life without the Internet is unimaginable for most people today, but many older people still live a completely analog life. However, this life is becoming increasingly difficult for them. More and more official channels and other transactions are only possible online. Pensioners' representatives want to fight against this development.

The Pensioners' Association and the Seniors' Council are launching an initiative against the "online-only" policy and for a right to analog access options. The Seniors' Council is hosting a "round table" on the topic of age discrimination on Tuesday. "Age discrimination is not a trivial offense. Older people are downright excluded and left behind. This must not be allowed to happen", said pensioners' association president Peter Kostelka (SPÖ).

Pensioners' representative Peter Kostelka (SPÖ) (Bild: SEPA.Media | Michael Indra)
Pensioners' representative Peter Kostelka (SPÖ)

The "online-only" policy is particularly criticized, especially by the public sector. "The repair bonus can only be applied for online, the craftsman bonus can only be obtained online, the subsidy for replacing a heating system can only be obtained after a time-consuming online application and if you want to invest money with the Republic, you even need the ID Austria app on a latest-generation smartphone," Kostelka lists examples and calls on the government to "set a good example and not a bad one."

No more ATM cards without online banking
Further examples: In Vienna, you have to make an appointment online for official channels, such as the passport office or transport office. Some banks now only send the code for the new ATM card via online banking. No more ATM card without online banking!

Payment transactions are being digitized at a rapid pace (Bild: Scharinger Daniel)
Payment transactions are being digitized at a rapid pace

Participants in the round table include representatives from the Austrian Ombudsman Board, anti-discrimination bodies, banks and insurance companies, as well as experts from the fields of age research, consumer protection, IT and digitalization. The aim of the round table is to identify age discrimination and find solutions to prevent age discrimination.

Constitution prohibits discrimination of any kind
"Just as it is enshrined in the Federal Constitution that people may not be discriminated against because of their gender or religion, it must also be enshrined in the Constitution that people may not be discriminated against and excluded from social life because of their age," says Kostelka.

ÖVP politician Ingrid Korosec, President of the Seniors' Council, has also been outspoken on this issue for a long time. She told the "Krone" newspaper: "With digitalization, we are experiencing completely new and serious forms of discrimination. We cannot accept this. We must react to this immediately - also as a society as a whole." That's why the non-partisan round table was convened on Tuesday.

Babler proposes setting up dedicated service centers
The topic of "life without the internet" is not only a focus for the red seniors' representatives. SPÖ leader Andreas Babler has also discovered it for himself. In his "With heart and brain" speech at the Federal Party Council at the end of April, this demand was a central point. He calls for a right to analog life. It should still be possible to deal with the authorities or buy a ticket over the counter. All critical infrastructure services should be able to be handled locally. This includes electricity and gas providers, postal partners, banks and insurance companies. Babler proposes setting up dedicated service points in the municipalities where this can be done.

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