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Water rescuer (28) became a lifesaver in Mexico

21.05.2024 09:30

Lesson learned: during his vacation in Mexico, 28-year-old water rescuer Felix Schilcher from Ebensee became a lifesaver: he helped a local lifeguard on the beach in Zipolite to rescue a couple from the Pacific. Schilcher and his friend Bernhard Vogel looked after the woman, who was already completely exhausted.

An approximately 30-year-old couple was swimming in the Pacific Ocean on Zipolte Beach in Mexico on May 17 when they were caught by a current. In high waves and against the current, they did not make it back to shore. A local lifeguard on duty at the beach grabbed a harness rescuer - a rescue device consisting of a flexible foam buoyancy device that stays connected to the rescuer with a short rope and a shoulder strap - and managed to reach and secure the man.

Felix Schilcher is a member of Ebensee Water Rescue and a regional paramedic (Bild: ÖWR/Angelika Neuhofer)
Felix Schilcher is a member of Ebensee Water Rescue and a regional paramedic

Woman had drifted off
But the woman had already drifted further away at this point. Felix Schilcher observed the scene, immediately looked for another harness rescuer at the rescue tower and swam to the woman. He managed to bring her back to shore, where he and his friend Bernhard Vogel were able to carry her to the beach using a rhumb line. The woman was completely exhausted but still conscious. The local rescue services took over further care.

Semester abroad in Mexico
The lifesaver was 28-year-old Felix Schilcher from Ebensee, who took advantage of a few days off during his semester abroad in Mexico to relax on the beach at Zipolite in the state of Oaxaca. Felix joined the Austrian Water Rescue at the age of seven. In addition to his training as a lifeguard, he is also a skipper and whitewater rescuer and has been in charge of the ÖWR's Ebensee branch since 2020. As regional medical officer, he makes a significant contribution to keeping the water rescue service in Upper Austria operational and well trained.

His friend Bernhard Vogel, who helped him when he was rescued from the water, is also a member of the water rescue team at the Ebensee branch.

Red flag was raised
A red flag was flying on the beach at the time of the accident. This international flag with the colors green, yellow or red indicates how safe it is to go into the water at the seashore. Red means the highest danger level and is equivalent to a swimming ban. Dangerous back currents, very high waves and other dangers such as pollution or danger from marine animals can be the cause. These markings and other local warnings should therefore be taken seriously, even if the sea appears to be inviting for a swim.

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