Murdoch in his sights

Harry: Major setback in legal action against publisher

21.05.2024 14:35

Prince Harry and other British celebrities have suffered a setback in their legal action against the publisher News Group Newspapers (NGN, "The Sun") for illegally obtaining information. A court in London ruled on Tuesday that the lawsuit may not be extended to the then publishing boss Rupert Murdoch.

The judge said the lawsuits against prominent targets such as Murdoch and other NGN executives would not significantly advance the case. NGN welcomed the ruling.

Murdoch said to have "turned a blind eye"
The publishing house owned the revolving newspaper "News of the World". The weekly newspaper was shut down in 2011 following numerous allegations that reporters had hacked the phones of celebrities and other people.

Rupert Murdoch in 2018 (Bild: APA/AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)
Rupert Murdoch in 2018

The celebrities' lawyers had argued that Murdoch had known about illegal activities as early as 2004, but had "turned a blind eye" to the allegations while overseeing a "culture of impunity" at the publishing house. Therefore, the case should be expanded after the publication of new information.

Illegal information gathered about Harry?
39-year-old Harry accuses NGN of illegally collecting private information about him since he was nine years old, for example by tapping mailboxes. The publisher rejects this.

The trial is set to begin in January 2025. The judge ruled that the younger son of King Charles III may not make any new allegations from 1994, 1995 and 2016. However, he was allowed to change details in order to name journalists and private investigators as well as allegations of tapping landline voicemails.

Harry has long been taking action against the British tabloid media, which he accuses of spying on him. He was partially vindicated and awarded damages.

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