
The Krone mourns the death of its critic Thomas Gabler

21.05.2024 16:14

The long-time "Krone" theater critic and versatile cultural editor Thomas Gabler died at Whitsun after a long and serious illness at the age of 63.

He was passionate about theater, literature, music and the visual arts, as well as issues relating to the protection of historical monuments, where he could become very contentious. Many might consider Thomas Gabler's passion for culture and his "reading mania" to be somewhat exaggerated. But as an editorial colleague, he was an "encyclopaedia" for us who almost always had information at the ready. At the Whitsun weekend, Thomas Gabler died all too soon at the age of 63 after a long and serious illness.

Born in St. Pölten in 1960, he graduated from the Hegelgasse secondary school and then wanted to become a goldsmith. However, his parents wanted him to study art history under Hermann Fillitz and Günther Heinz, among others. He began writing while still a student: He wrote introductory texts for CDs and articles for music magazines. In 1984 he became a freelancer for the "Krone". In 2000, "Krone" editor Hans Dichand gave him the position of first theater critic.

And he started with a remarkable report on Peter Stein's legendary "Faust" production for the World Exhibition in Hanover. With tireless dedication, Gabler judged the major theaters - also as a member of the Nestroy Prize jury - until the summer of 2023. With a keen eye and a highly critical eye, he wrote good reviews and slams - with a love of punchlines - but never wanted to be pretentious.

He was particularly interested in small theaters: he found it exciting to discover new plays, new actors and directors, new ideas and trends. But he also enjoyed cooking and his "green thumb". The "gardening"! For example, when he created a mini baroque garden in Payerbach ... Which was all part of his "holistic concept of culture".

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