Criticism of criminal court

Biden: “Israel is not committing genocide”

21.05.2024 18:47

US President Joe Biden calls the actions of the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Karim Khan, "outrageous" after he requested an arrest warrant for Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Joav Gallant and the entire leadership of the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas. Israel and Hamas should not be treated as equals, said Biden.

During an event on Monday to honor Jewish contributions to American history, culture and science, the US head of state rejected accusations against the Israeli leadership that it is committing genocide against Palestinians in the fight against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. "Contrary to the allegations of the International Court of Justice against Israel, this is not genocide," Biden said. "We reject that. We stand with Israel."

US President Joe Biden's government does not recognize the International Criminal Court. (Bild: APA/AFP/Mandel NGAN)
US President Joe Biden's government does not recognize the International Criminal Court.

Criticism from Austria: "Strange decision"
Netanyahu himself reacted sharply to the accusations. He called Chief Prosecutor Khan "one of the great anti-Semites of modern times" and accused him of "callously pouring oil on the fires of anti-Semitism that are raging around the world." Even Benny Gantz, a minister in Israel's war cabinet, who had recently sharply criticized Netanyahu, described the indictment as "a crime of historic proportions". "Drawing parallels between the leaders of a democratic country determined to defend itself against despicable terror and the leaders of a bloodthirsty terrorist organization is a profound distortion of justice and a blatant moral bankruptcy," Gantz said.

There was also criticism from Austria. Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer commented on the request of the Chief Prosecutor in The Hague with the following words: "We respect the independence of the Court. It is incomprehensible that the leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas, whose declared goal is the destruction of the state of Israel, are mentioned in the same breath as democratically elected representatives of this very state."

Clooney made recommendation for arrest warrant application
In purely legal terms, the application for the arrest warrant means nothing. Judges must now decide on this. In his decision, Chief Prosecutor Khan was advised by a panel of experts including Amal Clooney, who is of Lebanese descent and the wife of actor George Clooney.

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