New XXXLutz in Linz

“We used to build shoe boxes with a logo”

21.05.2024 19:05

XXXLutz invested 60 million euros in its new location in Linz, which opened on Tuesday. A kick-off for the furniture retail giant from Wels with "Ganslhaut" and a lot of heart. The opening days also put the spotlight on the topic of inclusion. A project that is set to grow.

Star chef Johann Lafer prepared potato rösti in the show kitchen on the ground floor on Tuesday and will be demonstrating his skills once again today, Wednesday, in the new XXXLutz. On Friday, comedian Oliver Pocher will be stopping by for an autograph session.

Today, Wednesday, Johann Lafer will once again be cooking for the opening in Linz (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Today, Wednesday, Johann Lafer will once again be cooking for the opening in Linz

The furniture retail giant from Wels is inaugurating its new location on the Donaulände in Linz with a star-studded line-up - and yet this was almost a minor matter for spokesman Thomas Saliger on Tuesday.

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We are a family business from Upper Austria and are delighted to be creating jobs in our home country.

Thomas Saliger, XXXLutz-Sprecher

On the initiative of Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer, State Councillor for Social Affairs, XXXLutz now wants to give people with disabilities the chance to work in the furniture stores. On the opening days, seven Lebenshilfe employees will be helping out with the distribution of promotional gifts and brochures.

The new XXXLutz has a gigantic LED screen. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
The new XXXLutz has a gigantic LED screen.

"They are so in the element that they didn't even have time for a quick chat at first," said Hattmannsdorfer, who visited Lebenshilfe employees at the XXXLutz warehouse in St. Florian with Saliger almost two months ago. "But we also want to put them in the spotlight," said Saliger, visibly moved, and revealed that he had "goose bumps" at the opening.

60 million euros invested
The company invested 60 million euros in the new building, including its gigantic LED façade, which, in addition to the XXXLutz store, also includes Mömax space, a warehouse, an underground car park and offices for the company's own digitalization specialists.

"It has become an extremely beautiful furniture store. Twenty years ago, we were still building shoe boxes with logos," enthuses Saliger, who took a seat alongside Mayor Klaus Luger, Markus Achleitner, State Councillor for Economic Affairs, and Hattmannsdorfer in the Sky Restaurant on the fourth floor, which also has a terrace for more than 100 guests.

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