Person of the heart 2024

The “Krone” is once again looking for Carinthians with a big heart

05.06.2024 05:15

They provide comfort in difficult times, help without having to be asked and often do good without much recognition: this year, for the third time, the "Krone" is bringing Carinthia's people of the heart in front of the curtain!

We live in turbulent times; fortunately, there are people who enrich the lives of their fellow human beings in a special way with their tireless commitment and warm-hearted nature - these are people of the heart! Those who always work in the background and form the heart and soul of our community with their care, compassion and generosity. They are the silent pillars of everyday life who do good things without big words and often without recognition and make all our lives a little better; they provide comfort in difficult times and are always there when you need them.

The "Krone" Heart People Gala 2024:

The "Kärntner Krone" would like to bring just such people of the heart in front of the curtain again this year! Let's say thank you together: nominate your very own person of the heart in one of the three categories:

  • Associations - whether from sport, culture, customs or blue light organizations - that make a special contribution to the general public.
  • Individuals who help where help is needed without having to be asked and who enjoy what they do.
  • Under 25: Because there are so many committed people in our youth who can be role models for many adults.

A thank you from the heart
As in the past, the prizes will be staggered: 5000, 3000 and 2000 euros for clubs, 1000 euros each for ten individuals and we also have special prizes for the young people of the heart.

Until July 21, you can nominate your hero online (below), via e-mail to or by postcard to "Kärntner Krone", Krone Platz 1, 9020 Klagenfurt, with the keyword "Herzensmensch"; please include a detailed explanation, name and contact details of the nominee and the nominator. Take part!

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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