Vision is important

What nature lovers appreciate about highways

24.05.2024 19:00

More than 50 people took part in an excursion to the most authentic wetland biotopes in the Weinviertel region organized by the Lower Austrian Nature Conservation Association. Colorful dragonflies and more - especially children were enthusiastic about the "Windpassinger Graben". The description of this natural paradise made people sit up and take notice: it was created as a compensation area for a section of freeway.

From the wooded west to the floodplains of the Thaya and March to the dry Marchfeld: wetlands and dry zones often lie close to each other in the Weinviertel, with the latter expanding due to climate change. Experts presented what is being done about this during an excursion to successful examples.

Positive examples of a symbiosis between humans and nature
Surprising for the participants: a stop near a section of freeway, including a statement from a Naturbund-NÖ expert: "Sometimes even a major project helps to create true nature refuges - with the necessary compensatory measures," she said, while the youngest participants were particularly amazed by the colorful animal life, from dragonflies to many bird species, at the Windpassinger Graben.

Lake Watzelsdorf is another prime example of the symbiosis between nature, the farmers who keep sheep there and the many tourists who come to relax.

Tip: "Thirst - when the water disappears"
The exhibition, which deals with the topic artistically
only runs until May 26 in Wullersdorf.

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read the original article here.

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