Mallory-Weiss syndrome

Kate Beckinsale: “Vomited a lot of blood”

27.05.2024 16:00

British actress Kate Beckinsale has sharply criticized haters who accuse her of being "too thin" following her recent health issues. She explained that she had naturally lost a lot of weight in recent months - due to stress, grief and an illness that had even caused her to vomit copious amounts of blood.

She emphasized that it was not appropriate to comment on her appearance as she was dealing with serious personal issues. With the death of her stepfather in January, she had now lost two fathers. Her father died when she was young and she found his body. When her cat also died, she became completely desperate and seriously ill.

Mallory-Weiss syndrome
"I lost my cat last year, who was my soulmate for almost 19 years," the actress told US media. "I spent six weeks in hospital because I vomited copious amounts of blood from a Mallory-Weiss tear, which was caused by a year's worth of stress and tore a hole between my esophagus and my stomach." Mallory-Weiss syndrome involves tears in the lining of the esophagus. One cause of this can be reflux disease.

"Trying to survive"
Beckinsale went on to explain that she had also "experienced a severe flare-up of her mast cell disease" due to the stress.

She continued, "That's what I'm willing to disclose that has contributed to some weight loss. What you think about how I look and how I should look, regardless of the circumstances in my life and my family's life, is not important," the "Underworld" actress said.

"I'm trying to survive what feels like an unbearable loss, reactivated PTSD from finding my dying father alone in the night as a very young child, and I'm working to support the family I still have."

Kate Beckinsale (Bild: APA/Getty Images via AFP/GETTY IMAGES/Emma McIntyre)
Kate Beckinsale

It's "enough"
She has "had enough" of people criticizing her body. She doesn't care about their taste in women or what they like.

In March, Kate Beckinsale published photos showing her visibly battered in a hospital bed and thanked everyone who supports her without explaining why she is in hospital.

Beckinsale is the daughter of British television actors Richard Beckinsale and Judy Loe. Her father died in 1979 at the age of just 31. The actress was just six years old at the time.

Beckinsale became known for the Hollywood blockbuster "Pearl Harbor" and the "Underworld" film series.

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