The legal situation
Your right to vacation: The 15 most common mistakes
Vacation, the best time of the year! However, there is a lot of half-knowledge and misconceptions circulating in public about this topic. So that you can have a relaxing time without any hassle, we have done some research and clarified legal misconceptions - from "Holidays are never time-barred!" to "Holiday pay and vacation pay are the same thing anyway." Be sure to read on!
Vacations can be tricky if you don't adhere to certain guidelines - whether you're the boss or an employee. Employment law expert Jasmin Haindl from the Vienna Chamber of Labor knows all the problems from daily practice - and knows what to look out for. We asked her to clarify the 15 most common mistakes:
1. I've only just started at my new job. But I have a 14-day vacation booked in two weeks. The boss has to give me time off.

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