Juicy price increases

First collection campaign: starting school as a debt trap

27.05.2024 19:00

The price increases are hitting families particularly hard. More and more are dependent on help. The first day of school often means an additional burden. A collection campaign is now starting!

Many students are still writing their school-leaving exams or the last school tests of the year. The anticipation of the well-deserved summer vacation is great. But some parents are already sweating at the thought of the new school year. Tutoring during the summer vacations or the first day of school with its many new purchases brings families to the brink of financial ruin. The figures prove this.

Prices have risen by 50 percent in some cases
This is because school bags, exercise books and pens have become noticeably more expensive in recent years (see chart). You have to pay almost a quarter more for individual products than five years ago. And there are almost no upper limits for school bags, for example. Families are already having to tighten their belts in view of the additional expenditure or are dependent on help.

(Bild: Krone KREATIV/stock.adobe)

Young Viennese show solidarity
The first collection campaign "Solidarity goes to school" is now being launched in Vienna. The idea was developed by young people from Vienna themselves as part of the Children and Youth Millions. "With this collection campaign, we are creating more opportunities for all children and young people together," says Deputy Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr.

Up to 280 euros

is what parents sometimes have to fork out for a new school bag from the latest brands. This is not affordable for many families with several children.

Donate school supplies
Well-preserved or new school supplies can be handed in at two locations from now until June 24: Wienxtra-Jugendinfo (1st, Babenbergerstraße 1) and Wienxtra-Kinderinfo (7th, Museumsquartier 2).

Volkshilfe distributes donations
At the end of June, all donated school supplies will be distributed to pupils in need via Volkshilfe's district associations, making the cost-intensive start to school much easier for many families. And the need is there. Experts estimate that almost one in five children is already at risk of poverty. There seems to be no improvement in sight.

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