Angry "ex"

How Carinthian erotic model became a stalking victim

27.05.2024 17:00

Last year, Julia Schmid appeared as a Bachelor candidate in Switzerland. What her fans didn't know at the time: In her private life, the 22-year-old was bombarded with messages from her ex-flirt. He did not shy away from massively disrupting her modeling career on the Internet. The man now had to answer to the criminal court in Vienna.

Photo shoot in a pose in Vienna's regional court: not an everyday occurrence, but on Monday in front of courtroom 24 there was even that. The victim in the criminal trial is a model from Carinthia. Julia Schmid competed for the Bachelor on Swiss television in 2023 and is successful on the Only Fans internet platform.

Brief flirtation with legal repercussions
Her ex-flirt is on trial. Among other things, he is said to have persistently pursued and coerced the 22-year-old. "We got to know each other via social media. I thought she was a pretty girl. We met a few days later," the accused recounts how it all began in September 2023.

Only Fans model and Bachelor Switzerland actress Julia Schmid from Carinthia (Bild: Groh Klemens/Klemens Groh)
Only Fans model and Bachelor Switzerland actress Julia Schmid from Carinthia
The accused 30-year-old before the trial. (Bild: Groh Klemens, Krone KREATIV)
The accused 30-year-old before the trial.

The graphic designer and the dark-haired beauty not only began a love affair, but also a business collaboration. "She was an only-fans model, but it wasn't that good. So I helped her," says the 30-year-old. Within a very short space of time, he is said to have increased the business tenfold - by chatting to men for hours on her behalf, selecting photos and videos. "She was suddenly making 1000 euros a day," says the client of lawyer Andreas Strobl.

Pictures and videos deleted and added
But the harmony did not last long. A 250-page chat in the file shows how the mood changed just one month later. Out of anger because she no longer responded to calls and messages, for example, the accused deleted pictures and videos from Julia's account. He also deleted the likes that generate revenue. "It was too much porn for me. I wanted to change the strategy," he explains. Strobl adds that the defendant could also be seen in the deleted sex pictures. He speaks of a "highly confusing act that is difficult to see through due to the many profiles."

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It was too much porn for me. I wanted to change the strategy.

So begründet der Angeklagte, warum er Inhalte von ihren Accounts löschte.

Images distributed and deleted without consent
According to the criminal complaint filed by the Vienna public prosecutor's office, his client is said to have created at least seven fake accounts with intimate pictures of his ex - he denies this, but admits that he distributed content without Julia's consent after the break-up. The prosecution also accuses him of stalking, which is said to have unreasonably impaired his victim's lifestyle. "It was too much," admits the Viennese man. "I no longer fought for her, I just annoyed her."

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It was a highly confusing act that was difficult to see through due to the many profiles.

Rechtsanwalt Andreas Strobl hat den Fall pro bono übernommen. (Bild: zwefo)

Anwalt Andreas Strobl verteidigte den Stalker

The 22-year-old, who is a witness at the trial, tells a different version of the story: "When I stopped answering him, he went crazy. He bombarded me with messages and threatened to delete my account." A short time later, it was actually no longer online." This also caused considerable financial damage. The model used AI to clean up the network of unwanted content that he had allegedly uploaded: "That also cost more than 600 euros."

Her stalker is sentenced to 160 daily rates of 30 euros each, 80 of which are conditional - a fine of 2400 euros. He has to pay his ex-flirt 2500 euros.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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