Holland scores again

From 7 p.m.: Hartberg – Austria in the duel for Europe!

28.05.2024 04:17

As in the previous year, Vienna's Austria has secured the last European Cup ticket for the coming season in the Bundesliga! The "Veilchen" won the second leg of the European Cup play-off final at TSV Hartberg 1:0 (1:0) on Tuesday. The first leg in Vienna had already ended 2:1 for the favorites.

Austria thus achieved their minimum target for the season and will start the 2nd round of the Conference League qualifiers at the end of July. James Holland, who had already scored in the first leg, gave the Viennese a goal before the break (39').

Interim coach Wegleitner returns to the second tier
This goal was enough for the visitors, who played out the victory even when short-handed and thus salvaged a mixed season. It was the fourth win in four games for interim coach Christian Wegleitner. The Burgenland native will return to the second tier after the play-offs and work as an assistant under the new head coach.

(Bild: GEPA)

Goalkeeper Maximilian Entrup and Dominik Prokop slipped into the starting eleven for Hartberg compared to the first leg. Wegleitner made just one change for the visitors, with the recovered Reinhold Ranftl starting in place of Luca Pazourek.

(Bild: GEPA)

Gruber fails after 75 seconds
The opening phase belonged to the visitors, with Andreas Gruber failing to beat TSV goalkeeper Raphael Sallinger after 75 seconds. A short time later, Gruber again missed the lead when he shot over the goal from a free position (9').

(Bild: GEPA)

After a quarter of an hour, coach Markus Schopp's team got into the game better. A counter-attack via Mamadou Sangare and Donis Avdijaj was saved by Matteo Meisl at the highest level from the onrushing Entrup (20'). A minute later, Christian Früchtl was on hand to save a shot from the team striker.

Entrup only hits the bar from an acute angle
Entrup missed the best opportunity in the 25th minute when he outplayed Früchtl after a long ball from Kainz, but slipped slightly on the wet ground and only hit the bar from an acute angle. The ball rolled towards the goal line and Johannes Handl prevented it from crossing.

Austria were now making their presence felt from set-pieces. After a corner kick, Tin Plavotic had a free header, but Sallinger made a great save to keep the ball out (35'). Gruber then had to come off due to a thigh injury and was replaced by Moritz Wels (38').


Holland scores in perhaps his last career game
Another corner gave the visitors the lead: The East Styrians failed to clear the ball cleanly from Dominik Fitz, Holland took it down with his chest and netted from the edge of the box with his right in what was perhaps his last career game.

(Bild: GEPA)

Schopp's team came out onto the pitch with renewed vigor after the break. Entrup missed the quick equalizer, his shot was saved by Früchtl (49'). The hosts now pressed, but remained too awkward with the final pass.

(Bild: GEPA)

Prokop only hits the inside of the bar after an individual effort
After just over an hour, bad luck struck as Prokop hit the inside of the bar after a fine individual effort. From there, the ball bounced into the arms of Früchtl, who was already beaten (59'). At the other end, Fitz missed out on the preliminary decision twice, but Sallinger was on hand to save (61', 65').

The match became increasingly hectic in the closing stages, with TSV gaining hope once more after Wels was shown a yellow card for repeated fouls (83'). However, the Violets defended their lead with passion.

(Bild: GEPA)

Styrians fail to pull off the coup like four years ago
This was the third time Austria had managed to qualify for the European Cup at the last minute via the play-off. The Viennese had already achieved this in 2021 and last year. For Hartberg, however, there was no happy ending after a strong season. The Styrians did not manage the coup like four years ago (back then against the Violets) and missed out on the tickets for Europe.

The result:
TSV Hartberg - FK Austria Wien 0:1 (0:1)
Hartberg, Profertil Arena, 4000 spectators, SR Altmann

Goal: 0:1 (39.) Holland

Yellow cards: Prokop, Sallinger, Sangare or Fitz, Wels, Früchtl, Schmidt

Yellow-Red Card: Wels (83.)

Hartberg: Sallinger - Heil, Komposch, Bowat (77. Diakite), Pfeifer - Sangare, Kainz (86. Rotter) - Frieser (77. Fillafer), Avdijaj, Prokop (60. Providence) - Entrup
Austria: Früchtl - Handl, Plavotic, Meisl - Ranftl, Holland, Fischer (67. Potzmann), Guenouche (67. Krätzig) - Gruber (38. Wels), Fitz (91. Pazourek), Asllani (46. Schmidt)

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read the original article here.

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