Trial in Innsbruck

Pedal boat attack on German vacationer in lake?

28.05.2024 07:00

Two men (22 and 38 years old) allegedly ran over a vacationer from Germany with a pedal boat at Lake Reintaler in Kramsach in Tyrol. The alleged perpetrators were now in court, but told a completely different story.

Horrific experience for Ulrich K. (name changed) in August last year in the middle of a lake in Tyrol! A pedal boat driver (22) allegedly tried to run over the German several times. In addition, a buddy (38) is said to have cheered the 22-year-old on with the words "Run him over!".

The senate of lay assessors heard two versions
The 68-year-old swallowed water but, according to his own statements, was able to save himself completely exhausted on the shore of Lake Reintal near Kramsach. "I also suffered an injury to my shin," the vacationer recalled in court in Innsbruck.

Ulrich K. (name changed) suffered an injury to his shin. (Bild: ZOOM.TIROL)
Ulrich K. (name changed) suffered an injury to his shin.

However, the two defendants vehemently denied the serious accusations, saying that there had only been a verbal exchange. "I only realized that there was a swimmer near us when the man insulted us," said the 22-year-old. His companion admitted that he had splashed the "angry swimmer". "For fun!" According to the accused, the tourist also tried to get onto the pedal boat. "That's what caused the injuries," the 38-year-old was convinced.

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We wanted to apologize and invite the man for a beer.

Einer der Angeklagten

The two of them followed the man afterwards. "We wanted to apologize." They had wanted to invite the German for a beer, but he had refused and threatened to press charges.

Acquittal in case of doubt
With testimony against testimony, it was difficult for the jury to prove that the accused had committed the crime. Therefore, an acquittal was granted on the grounds of doubt.

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read the original article here.

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