Because of IS sympathy

“Mosque” in the living room: trial against teenagers

28.05.2024 06:30

Four suspected IS sympathizers have to stand trial in the Linz provincial court. The public prosecutor's office is charging the four young defendants with the crimes of terrorist association and criminal organization. In addition to relevant chats, it is about setting up a private "mosque" with IS decor in the living room.

In the fall of the previous year, a ten-member radical Islamist group in the district of Linz-Land, to which nine men and one woman between the ages of 15 and 23 are said to have belonged, was broken up - the "Krone" reported. According to the Directorate of State Security and Intelligence (DSN), they are said to have been involved with the terrorist organizations "Islamic State" (IS) and "Emirate of the Caucasus". One member has already been sentenced to two years in St. Pölten, the Linz public prosecutor's office has now brought charges against four - three boys aged 16, 17 and 19 as well as a 19-year-old woman. The others are still under investigation.

Execution on video
The trial in Linz will take place on June 6 under increased security precautions. The four young people are accused of spreading IS propaganda via social media. According to the indictment, relevant material was shared in a chat group, including a re-enacted execution video, and attempts were made to recruit further members.

In addition, a kind of mosque was set up in the home of the two 19-year-old defendants - they are married according to Islamic rites - in which, according to the public prosecutor's office, radical Islamic views were to be preached. Specifically, part of the room in the living room was partitioned off with a curtain and decorated with an IS flag and other IS material.

19-year-olds in custody
The 16- and 17-year-olds each face prison sentences of up to five years, the 19-year-olds between one and ten years. The woman is currently in custody. She already has a relevant previous conviction. The three boys are at large.

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