Winners have been chosen

70 submissions: Award for Tyrolean craftspeople

28.05.2024 19:00

The Tyrolean Craftsmanship Award was presented for the second time. The five-member jury had to scrutinize more than 70 projects. The proud winners have now been chosen in four categories.

The trade and crafts division of the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce has exactly 28 guilds. The spectrum ranges from construction to the extension and furnishing of buildings, the different use of production techniques to the fashion and lifestyle industry and the service sector.

In cooperation with Raiffeisen Landesbank and Uniqa Versicherung, the Tyrolean Crafts Award has now been presented for the second time.

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We are delighted that more than 70 projects from all over Tyrol were submitted again this year, reflecting the multifaceted nature of Tyrolean trade and crafts.

Karolina Holaus

Five-member jury had to evaluate 70 projects
More than 70 projects were submitted to the five-member jury. There were proud winners in four categories. Peter Bucher Platten-Manufaktur from Fieberbrunn won in the "Sustainability and Regionality" category with its pilot project "Sollingerplatte". The slab is characterized by the fact that it is highly storm and hail resistant, has a lifespan of 300 years and is 100 percent recyclable.

From a new process for concrete to a designer chair
Fancy concrete GmbH from Wörgl came out on top in the "Cooperation and Teamwork" category. Together with other companies, it developed a process for the production of shotcrete in the "last by Schachermayr" project that reduces dust formation to a minimum.

Holzmanufaktur und Vitrinenbau Auer GmbH from Innsbruck took first place in the "Craftsmanship and Design" category with the "Ron Arad Wave Chair" project. This is a highly resilient 3D freeform in the form of a high-end design chair.

Conversion was rewarded
Last but not least, Hermann Dagn GmbH from Kössen came out on top in the "Tradition and Modernity" category. It was rewarded for converting the company to industry standard 4.0 over the past two years.

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