Trial in Graz

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28.05.2024 10:56

Before his career as a police officer, a Styrian allegedly played sadomasochistic games with a 12-year-old girl and even filmed them. On Tuesday, he was sentenced in court in Graz for serious sexual abuse and abuse of authority.

He was the leader of a youth group when the then 23-year-old met the girl, who was only twelve years old. They continued their conversations via Snapchat and a friendship developed, explains public prosecutor Ines Eichwalder at the trial in Graz. But it didn't stop there. He took a liking to the young girl and intensified the contact to such an extent that he asked her to perform sexual acts on him. The writing continued with deeds - disguised as math tutoring!

Eichwalder: "He gave her sex-related tasks, there were countless meetings of this kind," says the public prosecutor. At Christmas, when she was 13 years old, they had sex for the first time. "Yes, she consented to it. But that doesn't matter legally." At this age, the law assumes that victims are not yet able to decide for themselves. The defendant's games with the girl even escalated into sadomasochistic acts: "She had to say 'master' to him, she was his 'slave'." As if that wasn't enough, the former police officer recorded the scenes and took pictures of them.

The defense lawyer for the man, who joined the police force after the relationship ended, countered that the victim was precocious and very interested sexually. "He was head over heels in love with her and treated her as his equal." Her client was by no means a perfidious paedophile who tried to cover up his actions.

After the opening statements, the public was excluded from the trial. A few hours later, the panel of lay judges handed down its verdict: the Styrian was sentenced to two years and six months in prison. Not legally binding!

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